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教育及工作经历: 人民大学 法学研究生 北京市币游国际律师事务所

专职律师 李律师自执业以来,以其扎实的理论功底,认真负责的诚信服务,娴熟的业务技能,诚实厚道的处事原则,深得客户依赖和业内人士的好评。其先后担任多家企事业单位的常年法律顾问,在介入企业深层次管理和项目运作,促进企业发展,控制避免风险方面,发挥了重要作用。特别是在公司改制、清理公司债权、债务方面、涉及房地产法律事务方面、刑事辩护方面取得了突出的业绩。参与企业改制、合同谈判、签定,企业中层管理人员法律实务培训,代理企业诉讼等法律事务,防范法律风险,成功的维护企业合法权益。

工作语言: 中文 英文

联系方式: 电话:010-58702860 传真:010-58702881

电子邮箱:limuran@hotmail.com limuran@cnhtlf.com


Education and work experience: people's university graduate student of law Beijing huatai law firm

A full-time lawyer Since li lawyers practice, with its solid theoretical foundations, serious and responsible good faith service, skilled business skills, principle of honesty and kindness, well received by customers rely on and in the industry. It has been acting as legal counsel for many enterprises and institutions, in deep enterprise management and project operation, promote the development of the enterprise, the control to avoid risks, played an important role. Especially in the corporate restructuring, the company creditor's rights and debt, involving real estate law, criminal defense has achieved outstanding results. Participate in enterprise restructuring, contract negotiation, signing, the enterprise middle management training, law practice agent lawsuits and other legal affairs, guard against legal risks, the legitimate rights and interests maintenance enterprise of success.

Working language: English Chinese